Transformative Couples Therapy® Training Videos available as streaming Video On Demand

50% Off Video On Demand rental prices purchased through September 2023 to celebrate the restoration of CE’s for these videos. Just use Promotion Code - VODHALFOFF - when ordering.

All our training videos available for streaming show Transformative Couples Therapy® as practiced and taught by David Mars Ph.D., the developer of the method, with clinical video of couples over a period of time in which substantial changes take place. Some videos were recorded at seminars where the video of sessions plus the couples themselves are introduced to an audience of therapists, the interaction resulting in a form of Community Healing.

See rental registration and rental details at the foot of this page.

Hot and Cold Conflict (video trailer)

This is the most popular ‘set of three’ Transformative Couples Therapy™ training videos. A bi-racial couple work through issues of flirtation and resultant anxiety, jealousy and conflict that brought them to the edge of breakup.

Treating Misogyny (video trailer)

3 video series. In this powerful series of closely edited individual and couple sessions, see the transformative process of how love motivates remarkable and lasting change. Witness how this couple reunites …

Healing Chronic Dissociation (video trailer)

This 3 part video series gives an intimate and vivid experience of a couple transforming through healing the trauma of an affair. the participants in the workshop interacting directly with the couple ….


Healing Sexual Trauma (video trailer)

The three videos of this workshop feature a unique session of combined premarital Transformative Couples Therapy™ with treatment work focused on healing the long term effects of sexual trauma.

Transforming Trauma, Shame and Disconnection (video trailer)

This couple goes from the brink of divorce to a more solid ground of a secure base of attachment guided by the therapist evoking and amplifying the experience of love. Dorsal vagal response and moment …

I Can’t Feel Happy Without Guilt and Physical Pain (video trailer)

A heterosexual couple makes a safe place for the wife to heal a decades-long pattern of esophageal pain and guilt about feeling joy. The session features a healing reunion portrayal about the cancer death of her mother …


Portrayals to Reduce Reenactments of Trauma (video trailer)

In this compelling clinical video and didactic teaching piece of a TCT session, a clear pathway to healing relational trauma and deprivation is laid out. In this training video you will witness a Reunion, Redo …

Treating Step-Family Distress (video trailer)

Two videos showing how the relational rupture in a step-family that resulted from cultural differences and unresolved trauma transforms into a state of lasting repair. The ‘in-love’ state is successfully cued up and …

Body Cues that Accelerate Treatment

This video features a father who had a recent and disturbing dysregulation with his teenage son. This shows how generational trauma can be laid to rest through the use of a future and redo portrayal work …

Purchase Streaming Video Rental

The Video On Demand titles are for either a single video or a series of two or three. You may rent 1 month of VOD streaming access to any video individually for $30 or for any series of three videos for 3 months streaming access for $75.

Begin by Registering with us on the ‘Viewing Consent & Registration’ form (below or to the right.)

All videos include confidential clinical content. To protect our clients’ privacy we require completion of our Confidential Content Agreement during the registration process.

Once registered you may directly send details of the videos you wish to rent at any time, and make payment with Venmo or Paypal. Links to your Videos will be sent to you to use over the purchased time period.