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I Can't Feel Happy Without Guilt and Physical Pain (video trailer)

I Can't Feel Happy Without Guilt and Physical Pain

In this compelling video, a heterosexual couple makes a safe place for the wife to heal a decades-long pattern of esophageal pain and guilt about feeling joy. The session features a healing reunion portrayal about the cancer death of her mother and is followed by a successful and lasting breakthrough.

Here we witness how a reunion portrayal is used in couples therapy. Dr. Mars begins by describing in detail the steps and critical importance of the portrayal for this couple and others. As we are guided through clinical footage, we learn the step by step process of the portrayal. It starts with creating a nutritive experience that gives in the here-and-now what was needed for the patient in the there-and-then. This is achieved by undoing the aloneness of the young and formerly lost sub-part which had revealed itself through guilt and physical pain. The process culminates by creating a new experience of love and truth.

This video was recorded in a workshop in Israel and features the responses of an international audience. 1 hour 49 minutes.

You may rent 1 month of VOD streaming access to this video for $30 

You may rent 1 month of Video On Demand streaming access for $30.

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