Video Clips from Workshops with David Mars


Push Pull Reactions in Relationships

Couples in relationship often find themselves pushing away the very experience of love that they most desire.

So - "My best attempt to receive more of what I want pushes you further away from me."
In helping each partner to discover and understand the well worn pattern of difficulty in being close we can begin to encourage empathy in the communication between the partners in the relationship.


Creating Safety in a Volatile Atmosphere

Partners in a couple come into therapy with different motivations, beliefs and attitudes. When under the pressure of intense life changes, these differences can trigger volatile and reactive behavior.
Transformative Couples Therapy® relies on an attuned interactive relationship between the two people in the couple and the therapist. The therapist senses in his or her own body the ever changing atmosphere in the room and responds rapidly to create and maintain a basket of safety for the communication beyond what the couple has known before.

Clip from Healing Chronic Dissociation & Trauma through Treating Infidelity

Clip from Moving Beyond Hot & Cold Conflict to Develop Lasting Love & Trust