Testimonials about David Mars, Ph.D. and his Transformative Couples Therapy® Therapist Training Courses

I just had a first session with a couple who have 20 years of experience in intense fighting. Thanks to this work with David Mars I was inspired to confidently interrupt their familiar ways of talking to each other to very good effect and they were able to do something different for the first time.
David’s teaching is exceptional.  I so appreciate the balance of the kindness and warmth of his approach.
David is extremely knowledgeable, with an amazing integration of his somatic knowledge and application to the TCT model.  Wow!
I felt inspired, alive and welcomed. He makes room for playfulness so that I could expand and open up.
I feel re-invigorated to continue my work.
I really enjoy David’s knowledge and intellect expressed in warmth and holding.
I appreciated his warmth, candid commentary throughout the showing his video.  I appreciated the structure and the container of the teaching.
His style is gentle and promotes self-reflection.
His knowledge of neuroscience is very helpful…to have the video stopped and explained and channels pointed out as they show up in the work.
David’s passionate and highly sensitive left and right brain co-mingling was inspirational.
David’s ability to integrate complex/evolving theory with practical, spontaneous/processing/feedback and role-plays was marvelous for very deep experience and deepening understanding.
Seeing the delight and joy on David’s face as he saw us do our live role play work.
Excellent attention to our own seven channels and learning how to USE THEM… 
Safe structure and feedback EXCELLENT!


David Mars, Ph.D. has developed a method for therapists to help couple members relate to each other from their self-at-best often beginning in the first session - read more . . .