50% Off Video On Demand rental prices purchased in June to celebrate the restoration of CEs for these videos. Use Promotion Code - VODHALFOFF - at Check Out.

Micro-movement, Gesture and Body Cues that Accelerate Individual and Couple Psychotherapy Treatment.

This is a presentation that was first given at Harvard Medical School by David Mars, Ph.D. in the Movement and Cognition Conference in 2018.  It features ways to integrate the movement channel of the Seven Channels of Experience into psychotherapy to bring about breakthroughs in transformative change. 

The clinical video makes it explicit how we clinicians can bring the “unthought known” that Bollas has written about into consciousness.  This video features a father who had a recent and disturbing dysregulation toward his teenage son.  This shows how generational trauma can be laid to rest through the use of a future and redo portrayal that rehearses a new healing way to make needed repairs. 

This narrated 90-minute video features commentary about the affective neuroscience research of Antonio Damasio, Allan Schore, Bud Craig, Jaak Panksepp and other luminaries.

You may rent 1 month of VOD streaming access to this video for $30

You may rent 1 month of Video On Demand streaming access for $30.

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