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Portrayals to Reduce Reenactments of Trauma (video trailer)

Portrayals to Reduce Reenactments of Trauma

In this compelling clinical video and didactic teaching piece of a Transformative Couples Therapy® session, a clear pathway to healing relational trauma and deprivation is laid out. 

The video begins with a distillation of key points in Allan Schore’s research of the “perilous journey of being male”.  This research shows that male infants are particularly vulnerable to deprivation of attunement and soothing from caregivers at birth.

When a father is punitive, shaming and himself insecurely attached, we see how this can predispose his son to be harmed.  The father’s early trauma and deprivation have traumatized this now 40 year old male.  

In this clinical video a clear case is shown of how the male in this couple finds the support in the portrayal to stand up to his abusive father.  Dorsal vagal response (Porges) and anxiety spikes are navigated in the session to a successful completion.  The long-term results of the session are reduced chronic anxiety, decreased dorsal vagal response and more differentiation between the son and his father.  The portrayal also helps him to differentiate his wife from the harmful aspects of his father as well.

In this training video you will witness a Reunion, Redo, Rescue and Anger Portrayal within a single Transformative Couples Therapy™ session.

You may rent 1 month of VOD streaming access to this video for $30

You may rent 1 month of Video On Demand streaming access for $30.

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