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Treating Misogyny and Physical Abuse - 3 video series (video trailer)

Treating Misogyny and Physical Abuse

3 video series. In this powerful series of closely edited individual and couple sessions, see the transformative process of how love motivates remarkable and lasting change.

Witness how this lovable couple from India reunites after being divorced for two years. Their treatment includes healing from historical trauma, innovating new cultural practices of expressing care, and sharing chores as acts of love. They establish a safe and stable family environment with two teenage sons. Key words: Healing trauma, combining individual and couple treatment. 1 hour 54 minutes.

Segment 1

We begin by declaring the importance for a therapist developing their own affective capacity in all Seven Channels of Experience, so they are able to work through all channels and serve those who do not easily access their internal experience. Taking as our example an extremely distressed couple, where one member exhibits deep unresolved trauma from extreme physical abuse and neglect. Dr. Mars shows how he was able to find guidance in working with this couple. Segment one establishes our guiding principle of evoking the longing to love and be loved as the primary motivational factor in transformation.

Segment 2

In Segment Two, Dr. Mars gives the couple structure and orientation to what is needed, revealing larger themes in healing severe trauma with couple members. Beginning in the first session, we see how the couple members learn to create an internal scaffolding of safety necessary for repair. Dr. Mars explores the trauma of violence and abandonment that have triggered the male member’s acting out and how the unconscious effects of misogyny influence both couple members, creating an ongoing undercurrent which had eroded the relationship.

Segment 3

In segment three, Dr. Mars demonstrates the co-construction of a healing portrayal, from the initial steps of gathering themes of unresolved trauma to the healing power created by a new completion that creates much needed memory reconsolidation. The sequence of early sessions with the traumatized individual member moved into a session with both couple members present. This emphasizes the speed at which the clinician can resolve traumatic material into a clearly healing result. Dr. Mars facilitates the connection to the traumatized sub-part, which has a lasting effect and transforms the trajectory of the therapy. The couple is able to experience a stable resolution and then is able to live together again with their two sons after nearly two years of divorce.

$30 for a single video for one month access. $75 for all three videos for 3 months total access.

If you choose to rent these videos one at a time we strongly suggest you start with segment one so you understand our treatment method and so you can witness the context of the considerable developmental changes that take place over the course of the therapy. 

You may rent 1 month of Video On Demand streaming access to any one of these 3 videos for $30 - or rent all three together for 3 momhts access for $75.

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